Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Miridianium Limited (“we”, “us”, “Miridianium” or “our”), with Registration number 2941111, Unit 1016, 10th Floor, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (SAR), values your personal information and data of any internet users, as well as any and all rights that you have regarding your data collection, use and transfer, so we have published our Privacy Policy to tell you more about how your data may be used. Additionally, we wish to list your rights when it comes to personal information, its usage and safety. The following Privacy Policy document applies to websites, application and digital services (“services”, “products”, “platforms” or “websites”) operated by Miridianium.

In this document, you will find more information about your data protection rights, including your right to be forgotten and excluded from communication and how you can execute them in relation to Miridianium and its services. You will also find more information about how we use cookies or other similar technology.

Any products or services made by Miridianium that contain content relating to gambling is made exclusively for adults over the age of 18. No collection is knowingly collected from underage persons from our side.

The body in control of your information

Miridianium is the data controller of your information that has been collected at any point of you visiting or interacting with our services. You accept the terms of this Privacy Policy by visiting our websites or by using any Miridianium products or platforms.

We are responsible for keeping the personal data we obtain safe. Nevertheless, some data may be held in third-party databases. Such third-party companies are compliant with the standards mentioned further in this Privacy Policy.

Any and all links to websites, our partners or any platform that is not our our platforms are evidently identifiable as such. We do not bear any responsibility for the content or the privacy policies published there.

When is your information collected?s

Your personal data is collected whenever you interact with our services, products or platforms, including signing up for any kind of newsletters, completing contact or other forms, setting up accounts and commenting or submitting reviews and ratings on any of our platforms.

Information we collect

Data we collect upon receiving prior consent includes personal identification data: name, date of birth and gender, as well as contact information: email addresses or telephone numbers.

Information we collect automatically

The data we collect automatically are contained in the files commonly referred to as Cookies. These files are generated when using our platforms and services, more information on how cookies are processed can be found further in the Policy.

Cookies include web analytic information, which may tell us about the browser, device or operating system you are using to access our site, as well as our services and products. Other web data gathered by Cookies includes:

How we might use your information

Miridianium may use the collected personal data exclusively for the purposes of conducting and maintaining our business operations, as well as improving the experience and quality of our services. We follow legitimate interests of our business, such as to maintain and improve our products, content, services and perform web analytics.

Who will we share the data with?

Third-party companies other than Miridianium may need to have access to the personal information in order to process or transfer it on our behalf. Miridianium diligently follows any and all measures to protect your data for information transfer outside of the EU territory and EEA jurisdiction, working only with companies that have a proper reputation and Privacy Shield accreditation that would be approved by the European Union Commission.

Miridianium uses Google Analytics, an online web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy. Mountain View, CA 94043) to better understand how you may use our services and platforms.

Miridianium will have to share the personal information we have collected in a case where we would be required to do so by law, in order to comply any regulatory order, court order, as well as any other legal requirement. We will share the information if we believe this is what is required to do by law.

Your data will never be sold, traded, or transferred to any third party companies, without receiving consent of the parties mentioned prior.

Other tools, services and/or third-party platforms used for data collection, analysis, transfer, as well as other means mentioned in this Privacy Policy or permitted by the appropriate regulation can be included in this section of the document upon the update of Privacy Policy.

Direct Communication and Newsletters

Emails containing newsletters, updates and other promotional content may be sent to users who agreed to receive them, have provided their email addresses and confirmed to be over the age of 18.

We may use tracking tools and methods to determine whether our emails have been received, opened or interacted with, as this aids us in maintaining, developing and improving the methods and formats of messaging.

If you wish to not receive such emails, you can opt-out of them by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email, or by contacting us using the contact form found in the footer of this site.

Social Media Communications with Miridianium

If you contact us through any of Miridianium social media channels, we may keep the name displayed in the profile on record to maintain an accurate record of our communication. We also may analyze any public information in the social media profiles used to contact us.

Rights you have

You reserve the full right to request a copy of the personal information we have collected from your activity, as well as the description of how it is processed. You may inform us of the changes made in your personal information. In proper accordance with the GDPR, we will take the necessary actions, ensuring that the data is correct, delete it or seize processing it altogether, if needed.

You can get in touch with us using the contact form found in the footer of the Miridianium website. You also reserve the right to reach out to a European Union data protection authority where you live or where an issue may have occurred.

How long is the personal information retained?

Personal information will be held as long as it would be deemed necessary for maintaining the operation of our platforms and services, or until a proper data deletion request is received. Our database would be subject to periodical review to determine whether there is any inaccurate or outdated information that needs to be deleted.

Data Safety & Security

Although we take sound measures to protect and guard the collected information against any unauthorized disclosures of personal data, including but not limited to malicious hacking operations, data breaches caused by malware and others, we cannot completely guarantee that your personal data will always remain untouched. We cannot guarantee that it will never be disclosed, distorted or destroyed in a way that deviates from this Privacy Policy.

Cookie Files

Miridianium may store information on your device or in your internet web browser known as cookies (or cookie files), whenever you use Miridianium services. Cookies are small files of information that are non-personal and that can be saved to your device and then linked to your browser and online activity.

Such cookie files allow Miridianium to understand and remember your specific preferences of using any of our services, based on your previous and current activity. This allows us to deliver a more personal, convenient and optimized experience across our platforms. We also use cookies to collect browsing, traffic and interaction data of the site.

We may process this data and cookie files using third-party tools (such as and mainly Google Analytics) and use the results to help maintain and further improve our services, products and platforms.

How can I manage Cookies?

You can manage cookies in the settings of your internet browser of your choice. For instance, the actions you can take include stopping accepting new cookies, deleting old ones, setting notifications for each new cookie file occurrence, or choosing to disable cookies altogether.

Some of Miridianium’s services may require cookies to run smoothly and will not function properly if cookies are disabled.

How to contact Miridianium?

If there are any issues, complaints, concerns or general interest about how your data is collected or used, you can use the contact form on the site to get in touch with us.

Possible Changes to the Privacy Policy

Miridianium may update this Privacy Policy document on a periodic basis. We encourage you to check back and review this notice from time to time so that you know if there are any changes to how the personal data is collected, used, or handled.